Empowered Publishing With The Perfect Management Platform

Our suite of publishing software can pave the right path for tomorrow while helping all teams with the current day-to-day

We Know The Bottomline: ROI, ASAP!


Annual savings for one Magazine Manager client


Increase in efficiency

Trusted By Top Publishers Worldwide

23,000+ Media Products Trust Mirabel To Help With Their Publishing Procedures

From sales CRM and marketing automation to subscription-handling and production-enabling, Mirabel Technologies’ suite of publishing-focused platforms are specially designed with your growth in mind. In fact, it was after launching a dozen successful magazines that Mirabel president Mark McCormick founded Magazine Manager, the first web-based CRM for publishers

Targeting Success With Magazine Manager

Our robust platform, along with our engaging webinars, helps keep publishers’ eyes on the prize.

Ryan Dohrn - Sell More Digital
Now! Unlocking the Secrets

Ryan Dorhn - Flip Advertisers
Objections on the Spot!

Ryan Dohrn - Sales Sequencing
& Automation

Explore Mirabel’s Whitepaper Library

Education doesn’t end at school. Elevate your various strategies with our next-generation tips and proven tactics

A Beginner's Guide to Landing Pages

A Beginner's Guide to CRM software

A Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing

Grow Your Business With Proven Management Tools

CRM Built For Publishers

Prioritize communications and boost ad revenue with advanced contact management, customizable customer search, ad proposal templates, and productivity-focused tools for all publishing teams.

Centralized Ad Order Entry System

Stay connected on every step of the media buy, from easy-to-create proposal templates that convert into contracts to insertion orders and invoices.

Simplified Project Management

The collaborative Project Management module helps track ad materials, from the finest contract details to the biggest on-page picture. Follow timelines in real-time with customizable workflows that work for all involved

Searchable Billing And Invoicing System

Flawlessly transfer information from insertion orders to contract to final invoice, on a customizable system that can handle complex media packages and stand-alone agreements alike.

Digital Pagination and Layout

With Mirabel’s DigitalStudio, you can manage flat-planning and pagination on a production application designed for traditional print and digital-minded publishers.

Powerful Reporting

Know your performance and precise profitability with a customizable dashboard that displays data visualization that makes sense and generates reports that provide invaluable insights.